Living beyond the dream

Any observer could tell that “THE CHILDREN OF FR. GIANELLI” were one big happy lot.If Rev Fr.Antonio Gianelli’s mentally and physically handicapped children at Allamano Special School had been born at a different period of time in history ;perhaps in the early 20th century, they would not have seen the sun-light and would have been lucky to see the LIGHT of day. They would have been commissioned elsewhere, in body bags or sent on a one way mysterious mission, never to return.
But today they can sing,dance and play soccer because of you.
What my Friends have done

Alongside is the Physiotheraphy building;one of the earlier projects carried out through the efforts and donations sent through the Consolata Missionaries,Friends of Allamano and the
late Rev.Fr.Father Antonio Gianelli from Italy.The equipment are basic and the school benefits from benefactors as most of the children hail from economically challenged environs having been rescued through the generous efforts of volunteers in the communities and the continuing efforts of the Government of the Republic of Kenya, NGO’s and Church based organizations who work together in the continuing efforts of transforming a culture that has for long been hostile towards persons with mental disabilities.
A Second Chance in Life

Alongside in the wheelchair is John kiongo;one of the very first students to be admitted at Allamano special school.At the time of admission he was full of fear and trusted no human being having encountered great abuse and rejection.Despite being crippled and cerebral paltic, John is such a great inspiration and loves much.He is one of the many children at the school who would love you to pay them a visit.You are one of the friends that support the
Association of Friends of Allamano Special School.You make it possible for John and the likes to see a new dawn,the dawn of hope;a second chance in life.